
5 Key Factors for How to Choose Managed Services Provider

How to Choose a Managed Services

5 Key Factors for How to Choose Managed Services Provider


Selecting the right managed services provider (MSP) is a pivotal decision for any business looking to leverage technology for growth and efficiency.

The challenge lies not just in choosing an MSP but in finding one that aligns perfectly with your business’s goals, culture, and future aspirations.

A report estimates there are >40,000 managed service providers in the United States alone, making it significantly more challenging to identify the one that best meets your business’s specific needs and aspirations.

As >Jason Sondhi, CEO of Sondhi Solution says, “The ideal MSP becomes an integral part of your team, offering not just technical expertise but strategic foresight, enabling your business to navigate the complexities of the digital age with confidence and agility.”

In this blog, we will delve into the key factors to consider when choosing an MSP, outline the selection criteria, pose critical questions to ask during the discovery phase, and provide guidance on evaluating technical and security capabilities.


How to Choose Managed Services Provider: 5 Key Factors


1. Experience and Reputation

An MSP’s experience in your sector offers invaluable insights and a nuanced understanding of your specific challenges. Investigate their track record, ask for case studies, and speak to their current clients. A provider with a solid reputation will deliver the quality and reliability you need.


2. Range of Services

Your MSP should offer a suite of services that match your current and future needs. Whether it’s cloud services, data management, or network security, ensure they have the breadth and depth of services to address your technology requirements comprehensively.


3. Security Measures

With cybercrime projected to reach >$10.5 trillion by 2025, your MSP must demonstrate robust security protocols and incident response strategies. Understand their approach to data protection, compliance standards, and how they stay ahead of emerging security threats.

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4. Scalability

As your business grows, your technology needs will evolve. Your MSP should be able to scale its services accordingly, ensuring you have the necessary support without unnecessary costs or disruptions.


5. Support and Responsiveness

Effective communication and quick response times are crucial. Your MSP should offer clear >SLOs (Service Level Objectives) that outline their response times and the level of support provided. Regular reviews and proactive communication should be part of their service ethos.


Managed Services Selection Criteria

When evaluating potential MSPs, consider these criteria:

  • Technological Expertise: Do they have the knowledge and expertise in the specific technologies relevant to your industry?
  • Compliance and Security: Are they well-versed in industry-specific compliance and security requirements?
  • Customer Service: Evaluate their commitment to customer service and support. Consistent communication and proactive problem-solving are essential traits.
  • Proactive Management: Look for a provider that takes a proactive approach to technology management, identifying and addressing issues before they become problems.
  • Pricing Structure: Ensure their pricing model is transparent and predictable, aligning with your budget and providing clear ROI.
  • Strategic Alignment: Assess whether the MSP understands your business’s strategic goals and can align their services to support your long-term objectives.
  • Innovation and Continuous Improvement: The technology landscape is constantly evolving, so it’s vital that your MSP is committed to innovation and continuously improving their services.
  • Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning: Your MSP should have robust disaster recovery and business continuity plans in place.



Questions to Ask During MSP Discovery Phase

In the discovery phase, ask potential MSPs about:

  • Customization: How will they tailor their services to fit your unique business needs?
  • References and Case Studies: Can they provide examples of their work, particularly in your industry or with similar challenges?
  • Data Security: What are their data security measures, and how do they handle data breaches?
  • Incident Response: What is their incident response plan? How quickly do they respond to and resolve issues?


MSP Qualifying Questions

To further qualify MSPs, consider asking:

  • Differentiators: What makes their services stand out from competitors?
  • Service Continuity: How do they ensure uninterrupted service?
  • Performance Metrics: How do they track and report their performance against SLAs?
  • Communication: What is their communication protocol for regular updates and issue resolution?


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Technical Questions to Qualify MSP

Get into the specifics with questions like:

  • Technology Stack: What technologies and tools do they employ?
  • Performance Management: How do they monitor and optimize network and system performance?
  • Tech Advancements: How do they stay current with technological advancements?
  • Technical Escalations: What is their process for handling complex technical issues?


Essential Aspects of MSP Engagement: Communication & Partnership

This table highlights the key aspects of the MSP-client relationship beyond the core services, focusing on the communication and partnership elements crucial for a successful long-term engagement.

Aspect Description Why It Matters
Regular Reporting The frequency and detail of performance and status reports provided by the MSP. Ensures transparency and allows for proactive adjustments to services.
Strategic Meetings Scheduled discussions that focus on aligning the MSP’s services with the client’s strategic business objectives. Ensures the partnership is focused on achieving long-term business goals.
Feedback Mechanism Established channels for providing and receiving feedback between the MSP and the client. Facilitates continuous improvement and satisfaction in the partnership.
Training and Awareness Training provided by the MSP to the client’s staff on relevant technologies, cybersecurity practices, etc. Empowers the client’s team and enhances the overall security posture and tech-savviness.
Innovation Collaboration Joint efforts between the MSP and the client to explore and implement new technologies or strategies. Keeps the client at the forefront of technology, fostering growth and competitive advantage.
Crisis Communication Defined protocols for communication during and after an incident or crisis. Ensures efficient and effective response to and recovery from unexpected events.


Unlock Your Business Potential with Sondhi Solutions

Choosing the right MSP can transform your business’s operational efficiency, security, and technological agility. Sondhi Solutions offers comprehensive, customized IT services that align with your business objectives.

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With a commitment to excellence and customer service, we ensure that your IT infrastructure meets and exceeds your business needs.

For a strategic partnership that empowers your business, schedule a free consultation with us to explore how they can support your technological and business goals.

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