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Data Backup and Recovery

Data Backup and Recovery

Protect your data from internal and external threats with our Veeam backup and recovery solution.

Sondhi Solutions Veeam Backup and Recovery services provide you with a flexible and reliable backup, replication, and recovery of all your applications and data. With Veeam, you can rest easy knowing you have a reliable safety net for a range of any data loss events, including internal and external security threats and accidental deletion.

Simplify Backups

Confidently backup your workloads, no matter where they live.

Instantly Recover

Quickly retrieve your data with the pioneer of instant recovery.

Ransomware Proof

Recover from ransomware without paying the ransom.

Save time

Automate testing, eDiscovery, and compliance at any scale.

Help Your Company Support the 3-2-1 Model

Sondhi Solutions makes sure your business adheres to the 3-2-1 Model for data protection and eliminates single points of failure by copying data off-site. What is the 3-2-1 Model? 3 copies of data, on 2 different types of media, 1 copy of data off-site in the cloud.


Copies of your data.


Different types of media.


Copy of your data off-site in the cloud.

"Thanks to Veeam, if users cannot find a file, we can recover it almost instantaneously instead of the long wait previously. We no longer have virtual machines that quiesce when performing a backup: in a question of minutes, we can create clones of VM’s for troubleshooting, analysis, or whatever other process is required, and this means we no longer have to dedicate resources for this."

- Bryan Glass, IT Director of the City of Lawrence

Veaam Azure Backup and Recovery

Microsoft Azure provides a reliable cloud computing platform for agile and scalable building, testing and deployment of modern apps. While Microsoft assumes responsibility for the infrastructure, their Shared Responsibility Model makes it clear that it is still your data and you retain the responsibility
to secure and protect it.

Our Veeam Backup for Microsoft Azure delivers native, fully automated Azure backup and recovery to easily protect and manage all your Azure data. Built with cost-effectiveness, security and scalability in mind, you can eliminate the risk of data loss for all your Azure data, while saving big.

Set and forget simplicity

Policy-based automation easily manages
the creation, retention and lifecycle of native
snapshots, eliminating manual processes,
custom scripts and agents

Fast and flexible recovery

Easy wizard-driven recovery options enable
near-zero RTOs, from entire instances to
individual files and folders, as well as instant
recovery out of Azure

Low-cost backups

Low-cost backup Cost calculator, intelligent tiering to Azure
storage classes and compression deliver
the low-cost Azure backup while hitting
retention and compliance objectives

Greater security

Role-based access control, cross-region
backup and encryption help to secure your
data against ransomware, cyberthreats and
bad actors

One platform

One platform centrally manages Azure backup with other cloud, virtual, physical, SaaS and Kubernetes environments under a single, powerful interface

Cloud mobility

Backup, recover and migrate your files,
application items and instances across cloud,
virtual and physical environments with
no Veeam charges

When it comes to your data protection, we have you covered.

Contact us to get started.

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