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Get Totally Familiar with Managed IT Services Pricing

Managed IT Services Pricing


Did you know that 64% of companies experience significant downtime due to IT issues each year, costing them an average of $10,000 per hour?

“In an era where data is the new oil, understanding managed IT services pricing isn’t just smart—it’s a business imperative,” ~ Jason Sondhi, CEO of Sondhi Solutions

In this blog, we will break down the topic for you so you can make an informed decision, saving both time and money.


Understanding Managed IT Services Pricing

The landscape of managed IT services pricing is as diverse as it is complex. Factors like the size of your organization, the scope of services, and even your geographical location can influence the cost.

Actionable Tip: Always request a detailed breakdown of services and costs when considering a managed IT service provider.


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How Much Do Managed IT Services Cost?

The cost can range from $100 per workstation to upwards of $5000 per month for enterprise-level services. According to Forrester Research, companies that invest in managed IT services save an average of 25% in IT spending.

Actionable Tip: Compare the costs of in-house IT vs. managed services to see where you can save.


Managed IT Services Rates: What You Need to Know

Rates can be hourly or flat, and service levels can significantly impact these rates. For example, 24/7 support will naturally cost more than business-hours-only support.

Actionable Tip: Negotiate custom service level objectives (SLO) to better align with your budget and needs.


Managed IT Services Price List: What’s Usually Included

A typical price list may include network monitoring, data backup, and cybersecurity services. However, specialized services like cloud migration are often billed separately.

Actionable Tip: Always ask for an itemized price list and inquire about any additional or hidden fees.


Using a Managed IT Services ROI Calculator

An ROI calculator can help you understand the value you’re getting. According to TechTarget, companies that use ROI calculators are 42% more likely to achieve their financial objectives.

Actionable Tip: Use a managed IT services ROI calculator to quantify the financial benefits before making a decision.


Comparing Managed IT Service Models:

Service Model Cost Range Best For
Per Device $50-$200 SMBs
Per User $100-$500 Midsize
All-Inclusive $5000+ Enterprise


Managed IT Services Calculator: Beyond ROI

Other calculators can help you understand the total cost of ownership (TCO) and even calculate the potential cost of downtime.

Actionable Tip: Use multiple calculators to get a holistic view of your managed IT costs.


Managed IT Costs: How to Budget Effectively

Effective budgeting is crucial. Allocate funds not just for immediate needs but also for future scaling.

Actionable Tip: Review your IT budget quarterly to adapt to any changes in your business needs.


Control Your Managed IT Costs with Sondhi Solutions as Your Dedicated IT Partner

By partnering with Sondhi Solutions, you’re not just another client; you’re a valued partner. We offer tailored solutions that align with your budget and business objectives.

Understanding managed IT services pricing is crucial for making informed decisions that align with your business goals.

Reach out to Sondhi Solutions for a free consultation to diagnose your IT needs together.

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